Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Olympian Attitude - What If We All Had One

The 2012 London Olympics are over and what a great demonstration of human achievement and determination.

So at some point the question arose: what characteristics do sportsman have that takes them all the way to the Olympics and win. I started thinking about this a little bit and here is what I came up with

#1 They are goal orientated:They have goals that they set for themselves (ex I want to run the 100m in 9.70 by January 2012).

#2 They are focused: after they set their  goals they focus relentlessly on their goals and don’t allow distractions to shift their focus

#3 They have immense determination: because they believe in their success and they are not quitters. I think doing sport teaches you this trait. They don’t quit, even if it hurts, get injured, lose, its hard, because they know that success doesn’t come easily and only comes to those who work for it.

#4 Work ethic: they are conscious that results are achieved only through hard work.  Results are achieved only through hard work. No excuses. If it rains, its hard, not in the mood, tired, and all those excuses people tell themselves. 

SO , how would our lives be different if we all had an Olympian attitude:
I think if you set goals for yourself(which the majority of people don’t do) focus on your plans and have immense determination and work hard for it, I think your life would be waaaay different.
All in all there its no rocket science. Talking about it is not doing it. The doing part is the hard part, that’s why so many people quit, but Olympians don’t quit, because that’s why they are Olympians.

I wish that every one of you would develop an Olympian attitude and achieve everything you set your mind to

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